Learning and Transfer Lab banner logoOur research focuses on human learning – particularly in the perceptual and cognitive domains.

Topics of Interest

  • Task characteristics that encourage transfer of learning
  • Inter-individual differences that predict differences in learning generalization
  • Task characteristics that alter the rate with which new perceptual or cognitive tasks are learned
  • How individuals decide if they should engage in learning a new task or cease attempting to learn a previously experienced task


For more on the lab’s research…

I was a guest on the Here We Are Podcast, where I discussed video game and technology use during the physical/social distancing period, and what the lasting effects this period might have on the broader population using them.

Several years ago, I was also on an earlier episode of the Here We Are Podcast and discussed some of the work we do in the lab specifically, as well as the broader field of video game research. Click here to listen.


I also took part in a Massive Open Online Course on the topic of video games and learning developed by Constance Steinkuehler and Kurt Squire.  You can view my videos below, which provide a lot of background information about the lab’s research.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Video 1: The Curse of Learning Specificity

Video 2: The Effects of Action Video Game Play on Vision

Video 3: The Effects of Action Video Game Play on Speed of Processing

Video 4: The Effects of Action Video Game Play on Multitasking Abilities

Video 5: Conclusions - The Effects of Action Video Games on Perception and Cognition

You can also view this talk on how advancements in neuroscience are being combined with video game research, and how this may impact the scientific community. Panelists included myself, Dr. Adam Gazzaley of the University of California – San Francisco, and acclaimed video game developer Jonathan Blow.